Ibtakir Scholarship

Student Assessment: At the beginning of 2020, NIRT published opening its doors for scholarship applications, we contacted all the applicants aged from 10-15 years and assigned an interview date. Student were interviewed in the presence of a two robotics specialist, and an educational consultant.
Assessment were done on two stages: 1) An hour dialogue with the educational consultant, the dialogue focused on highlighting the strengths and weaknesses points of the student’s personality, and on understanding his interest’s background. 2) Students went under an IQ test and an examination with the robotics specialists that reveals their knowledge stage in some basic and science concepts.
Choosing Students: The Results of the tests were discussed between the robotics tutors, and the student who were worthy of the scholarships were picked. A small ceremony were done to celebrate the winning students and to make sure they get to know each other’s, in the ceremony a small meeting with the student’s parents were done to understand what was the added value they are waiting to find in their children after the program is conducted.
Program Development: A well planned program was established to cover many aspects we though the students missing like some basic robotics, physics, and coding concepts. The program contained both theoretical and practical aspects, to integrate physics knowledge with applied robotics science. Far from science, our program made sure our students integrated with their surrounding community and developed the personality of the passionate scholar.
Courses Implementing: The scholarship programs are still taking place until now, student attended online lectures in COVID-19 pandemic. Lectures were back online since November 2020. Lectures now take place weekly, each month a topic is studied theoretically and then applied practically. At the end of each month, students develop a small project regarding the month topic to make an added value.